Frequently Asked Questions

You’ve got questions. I’ve got answers.


are all of your products vegan?

Short answer: Yes. Long answer: They sure are! I take great care in procuring vegan and cruelty-free ingredients. Vegan doesn’t always mean cruelty-free…however, in this case, it does! I am proud to provide 100% vegan and cruelty-free products, that contain vegan and cruelty-free ingredients.

How did you get started?

I started my journey in all natural products a little over 10 years ago, when I studied cosmetology with an Aveda Institute in East Lansing, MI. One of the focuses in the Aveda education is aromatherapy and essential oils. It became an area of extreme interest for me, and I started studying and researching more and more about essential oils, which led me to herbs and flowers, and the benefits they provide. Along with my education, I grew up in a naturalist household, with a self-proclaimed “hippie” mom and an outdoorsy dad. My mom started her own business, focusing on all natural laundry soap and cleaning supplies, and has served as my biggest inspiration and business coach.

are your products organic?

Most of the ingredients I use are USDA certified organic, however, not all of them are, so I cannot claim to be organic. Of those products that are not certified organic, most follow organic policies, but cannot afford the certification, and therefore cannot claim to be.

Who makes earth goddess botanicals products?

I do! I am Danielle, the owner and creator of Earth Goddess Botanicals. Each product is handcrafted in small batches using the highest quality, ethically sourced, vegan, cruelty-free, and eco-friendly products.

is your packaging ec0-friendly?

Yes! I use recyclable and reusable glass bottles for most of the products. The few that are not in glass bottles, are packaged in recyclable paper (such as the incense).

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